Sunday, October 11, 2009
9:00PM – 2:00AM
The Mighty
119 Utah Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Though we wanted to be, Burning Man did not give us a spot at Decompression this year. (Well they did, actually, then they took it away because they have one less sound area this year due to a new condo complex on Indiana.) They said we’d been there too many years in a row, which I thought was quite fair since we’ve kinda been showing up for BM big every year too, so it made sense. Not to BM logic (or lack thereof). Anyhoot, we could use a day off anyway, and we’ll save our mojo for the night.
We WILL be doing our annual after party at Mighty as an Opulent Temple fundraiser starting at 9pm. Every year we’ve had some great surprises as friends like DJ Dan and the Scumfrog have shown up. Who knows what might happen this year?
So far the line up includes OT homies.
Syd Gris (Opulent Temple / Opel)
Cosmic Selector (Opulent Temple / Tek Freaks)
Dex Stakker (Opulent Temple / Opel)
Brian Peek(Opulent Temple)
Brother Hill(Opulent Temple)
Kramer (Deep End / Rock Bottom)
Zach Moore (Deep End / Rock Bottom)
The Neuroweapon & crew outside!
Tdub (Neuroweapon)
Pork Chop (Neuroweapon)
Micah J (Neuroweapon)