Saturday, March 25, 2017
9:00PM – 4:00AM
The Belasco Theatre
1050 S Hill St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Opulent Temple presents Sacred Dance ‘White Party’ with Crystal Method
Featuring the timely return of dance music pioneers and legends, the Crystal Method, who played our very first LA Sacred Dance. “A movement is accomplished in 6 stages, and the 7th brings return.” the I Ching
It’s our signature OT event with ramped up production value, decor, and eclectic dance performance, where we pull out all the stops, and so do you, to make some co-created magic. 3 rooms of Music taking over the entire Belasco.
A Portion of proceeds on the night will benefit Little Giant Acorn Foundation. The rest of money made on this party benefits the OT’s 501c, the Sacred Dance Foundation for our future projects.
Want to go big at Belasco and get your self a table with bottle service? That’s a nice option. Simply write vip@thebelasco.com and Amanda will take care of you.
A 100% benefit for Opulent Temple’s BM camp and our 501c project the Sacred Dance Foundation
See a montage of last year’s LA event here
thecrystalmethod.com | facebook.com/thecrystalmethod | soundcloud.com/the-crystal-method
HOJ (All Day I Dream)
facebook.com/hoj | soundcloud.com/hoj
MIKE BALANCE (In Stereo Recordings)
SYD GRIS (Opulent Temple, SF)
facebook.com/sydgris | soundcloud.com/syd-gris
EVA (Broke As F**k / The Cruz Coalition)
LOOMER (The Cruz Coalition)
facebook.com/djloomer | soundcloud.com/djloomer
GRAMMAR (Opulent Temple, San Francisco)
SPRANKLES (Camp Charlie/Booty Call)
KERRY AURET (Steampunk Saloon)
BRIAN PEEK (Opulent Temple, San Francisco)
In the Basement: A Special Pumpkin Tribute event
presented by the Little Giant Acorn Foundation
EVERYMAN (Little Giant Acorn Records / Dirty Beetles)
2TIGHT (Dirty Beetles/Boogaloo)
OH DIGGZ (Dirty Beetles)
LITTLE JOHN (Raindance, Santa Cruz)