Sunday, October 9, 2016
9:00PM – 3:00AM
The Great Northern
119 Utah St, San Francisco, CA 94103
After a day of street side renewal with friends and dusty laden party people, it’s time for Opulent Temple’s (totally unofficial and non-affiliated) After Party at (what is now known as) ‘The Great Northern’ (aka – a re-modelled Mighty) right around the corner, so save some mojo for us!
OT residents and guests will be in effect for a smooth party transition. This party is always insta-vibe as everyone comes in all dressed up desert proper and already warmed up from the previous festivities and we jump right in for more.
Taking Monday off is an excellent idea 😉
Sliding donation cover. A 100% benefit for our OT projects & our 501c, the Sacred Dance Foundation
Pics from previous year here
No pre-sales on this one, just come out and play!
: Brian Peek (Opulent Temple)
: Brian Williams (Opulent Temple)
: DJ Icon (Opulent Temple / DJ icon.com)
: Dulce Vita (Opulent Temple)
: ELiKi (Opulent Temple)
+ a full silent disco outside line up TBA, care of Headfoneparty.com Silent Disco.
With – Rizzo Vassalo & more tba